No better time to get into Crypto

2 min readMar 24, 2021
Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

Coming out of university, I started to explore different areas to both actively and passively create capital out of my own savings. My first foray was into FOREX trading and day trading, which exposed me to creating trading strategies and manage my emotional state during trading hours. At that point in time, BTC was still $300, but I didn’t explore it any further as I was more obsessed over reading charts and trading patterns and strategies.

I remember in Febuary 2017, hanging out with a friend in an irish bar who told me about Ethereum when it was just under $20 and the future of smart contracts. It didn’t take me long after reading up about the protocol and the concept of immutable smart contracts before I carved out all my savings and went all-in on ETH and other altcoins too.

Throughout 2017, I was lucky ride the wave up to 10x and 50x and see it all crashing down in Jan 2018. I feel lucky I got to observe not only the hype around blockchain, but to see through ghost coins, scams, and the potential of thousands of use-cases that were going to be solved by crypto not come to fruition. Fast forward to today, 2021 brought the crypto-verse to the forefront and is hyped again.

Looking back, I get really embarrassed thinking baout the altcoins I bought. I really got into some stupid stuff, and failed more times that I succeeded. Maybe I’m not one of those oracles who tell you which coin you should buy and it’ll 100x, but I definitely learned enough to understand technological and ecosystem gaps that exist, and have a better sieve to tell the bullshit from the real.

I dedicate this blog to my journey and what I wished I could have done better, and to the many people also interested and scared to get into cryptocurrency because I had felt the same. The many unanswered questions on where to start, how to investigate what moves the price of a token or where to get the best research or assess what is a good buy or not — i hope this blog is not only of use to you, but also a mirror to myself and how I can be a better investor and student of this new universe of blockchain protocols.

Which leads me to the title of this article. There is no better time to put either your attention, your money or your time into cryptocurrency. Bitcoin may be $55,000 but the entire industry is not even close to being mature.

Let’s see where this takes.




Jotting down my own learnings, thoughts and ideas. Not financial or investing advice.